Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Surprising News...

I guess I should not be too surprised of the news I got last night, there have been some "signs" here and there recently and with my powerful sense of discernment (lol) I knew something was up with my BFF and her family.

My BFF and I have known each other since we were 8 yrs old. We looked soooo much alike when we were kids that people thought we were related. She is orignally from NC and moved to Fl, I am originally from Fl and moved to NC...her family moved back to NC shortly after mine moved there and we ended up at college together, lived in the same house together, were bridesmaids in each other's weddings, my 2 kids and her first 2 are close in age (she had 4 more for a total of 6), the lists can go on and on...

One of the things I loved about moving down here to the Land of Mossy Oaks and Magnolias is that instead of being 41/2 hrs away from her and her family we are now 2 hrs away so we would be able to get together more often. Well, we better hurry up and do that getting together because last night she informed me that they (all 8 of them) are selling everything and her hubby is quitting his job and they are moving to AFRICA!!! What the!?

They have felt the call into full time missions and will be working with a Bible translating company in Africa, more than likely Nairobi,Kenya. I am so happy for their decision but I am sad that my friend, my sister, will be sooo far away! You can bet that I will be planning a BIG SOUTHERN FRIED send off for them before they leave and I am already putting my pennies to the side so I can visit Africa in the next couple of yrs.

Missing my BFF already!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Pop in's

Since we have moved I have dreaded the weekends because that is when I seem to be the most lonely, even with kids running around and a husband at home but this weekend was different. We had a family member in town this weekend and it was nice to have them here and show them around a little bit in the short time they were here.

It is looking like this coming weekend will help me keep my mind off the loneliness too as I have an old friend coming through town that I cannot wait to catch up with!! As long as people keep passing through town I will be ok, I can keep myself busy with kids and work and housework,etc...during the week just keep the pop in visits coming during the weekends!!